Memories like burnt, bitter coffee grounds
swirling at the bottom of my chipped yellow mug
clumped together as one
heap of nothing
I sat in the passenger seat
the door wide open
my hand hitting the freezing cold, stinging air
I imagine leaving earth
with lightening in my stomach
a rip in my heart.
I've thought about running away
A month's journey
I have decent shoes,
an empty water bottle
I sit quietly next to candy wrappers,
goldfish crumbs
Songs scream to me,
an auditorium of one.
I jolt.
With tights and a freshly pressed dress I refocus.
You okay, Meg?
I smile, sadly.
Yes. This is life.
I'd break the moon out of the sky
I would steal from babes
I would carry you across the United States,
if it meant we'd go back to happiness.
Or begin to live it.
The smell of Kool-Aid hits my nostrils
A low whimper, lyrical poetry through rapid ear drums
the stereo bringing me back
to somber feelings, longing, and victimization.
Happy New Year.